nichenya+spasi: bot

How one would possibly perchance well made a Discord Bot With out Downloading Anything else + Host it Online FOREVER

How one would possibly perchance well made a Discord Bot With out Downloading Anything else + Host it Online FOREVER
Want to make a Discord Bot without downloading anything but also host it online forever? Awesome! This video is for you! Is it still working in 2024? Yes it is, but do check the pinned comment. In this video we're going to make a Discord Bot with downloading whatsoever + Make it stay online forever…

How one can private a Discord Bot With out Downloading Something else + Host it On-line FOREVER

How one can private a Discord Bot With out Downloading Something else + Host it On-line FOREVER
Want to make a Discord Bot without downloading anything but also host it online forever? Awesome! This video is for you! Is it still working in 2024? Yes it is, but do check the pinned comment. In this video we're going to make a Discord Bot with downloading whatsoever + Make it stay online forever…

Methods on tutorial connect a Discord Bot Without Downloading a rest + Host it On-line FOREVER

Methods on tutorial connect a Discord Bot Without Downloading a rest + Host it On-line FOREVER
Want to make a Discord Bot without downloading anything but also host it online forever? Awesome! This video is for you! Is it still working in 2024? Yes it is, but do check the pinned comment. In this video we're going to make a Discord Bot with downloading whatsoever + Make it stay online forever…

?unduh! Z Legends 3 V1.1.7 (Combat Update) – NEW GOKU, BARDOCK BOT, DAMAGE ADJUST, BUG FIX!

?unduh! Z Legends 3 V1.1.7 (Combat Update) – NEW GOKU, BARDOCK BOT, DAMAGE ADJUST, BUG FIX!
DOWNLOAD: ?? Pessoal essa atualização demorou mais que o esperado, tanto por conta dos ajustes que fiz nos danos dos ataques como também na programação do Goku, mas ai está a atualização! -------------------------------------------------⚠️ATENÇÃO⚠️---------------------------------------------- UMA ABA NO SERVER DO DISCORD DO ORUMAITO FOI ABERTA ONDE VOCÊS PODERÃO DEIXAR LÁ OS BUGS E ERROS QUE VOCÊS ACHAREM…